i'm 24 today! also for the rest of the year. mostly birthdays are just a source of anxiety for me and that is also true this year but my friend came over and dropped off pastries and kombucha. so i am grateful for my friends and family and enjoying some pastries and kombucha.
i've been thinking a lot about this like, "time is running out" that birthdays always bring back into focus. i really thought i had it licked these past couple months. i was watching like 4-5 episodes of Better Call Saul in a night and not feeling like i had wasted time i was obligated to spend working, it was good. if this kind of thing is getting stale to read about it's even staler for me
not to undercut my own progress i haaave been writing some never everett and i'm pretty pleased with what i have so far. something i know about myself is that all of my favorite art in any medium tends to be experimental and unpolished but that it's really difficult for me to let myself make the same kind of thing. so i've been trying to stand by the decisions i like without being all apologetic about them. with my comic that means shoni writes rpf about val. val thinks shoni is literally actually an angel from heaven. bede is designing a house for distantly-related kennedies. that last one isn't that weird but for whatever reason i struggled with it for awhile. i thought it was cringe? i don't know. i'm gonna go draw
eating: maple cream conedrinking: blueberry kombucha
reading: animorphs #2: the visitor
listening to: the pink album by TMBG

i realized as i opened the editor up to write this entry that my last two blog entries had the same div id. so if you couldn't read the last entry (or the one before it) that should be fixed!
serves me right. usually i'm up on my game obsessively checking everything before it goes live but i've felt a lot better just making my peace with whatever imperfections my output has. on this site expect imperfections or impect expfectections
i forgot to say it in the last entry, but i went and saw tmbg at one of the boston shows last month. that was the third concert of theirs i've been to and i'm always blown away by how crazy good they are live. here's fanart of the light fixture that caught my eye during where your eyes don't go because of the way the light from the stage was hitting it:

i've really been making an effort to stop trying to multitask or always have background noise on so that i can focus on one thing at a time. i notice i am often afraid to fully engage in most things these days and everything i do that with comes out the worse for it. this is probably either one of those things that has deep seated psychological roots within me or it's because of the damn phone or it's something everyone struggles with now and then but either way i get annoyed knowing it's holding me back. i'll figure out what i'm gonna do about it tomorrow, i guess (it is tomorrow now) (i meant to go to bed early tonight)
i mentioned in my last blog that my friend had a new single coming out. it's out now!!! (it actually came out about a week ago) here's the link. it's really really good and you should listen to it now also you should follow my friend renee because she is cool/awesome
i also said in my last blog that we were waiting to adopt my cat eukie. i forgot to post when we picked her up but she's been here for like a month and a half. i'm trying to figure out the best way to post cat pics here and i'm thinking next blog is just a collage of eukies. here's one eukie:

she's a humongous goober and loves to sniff and eat dust and hair she finds on the floor. now that i'm thinking about how to incorporate eukie into the site actually she definitely deserves her own page, about smelling and eating dust and hair. so eukie page soon (teomodo dot net version of soon)
most other things i am working on i'm not technically allowed to talk about, and most of the things i am allowed to talk about make for kind of a bad blog. i crocheted a hat. also i'm working on a paper mache hat. i'm thinking i'm gonna repurpose /threedee to also include irl stuff like sculptures and crochet, since i haven't really messed with blender since i made the stuff on that page? and then i will have an outlet for all my hats, and enough stuff on that page to justify a page. so two birds
i am allowed to talk about my comic, and next blog entry i think i'm going to do that. also next blog entry will hopefully not be like a month from now but closer to tomorrow? we shall see. signing off with virtual insaneukie

hello teomoders. it's been a hell of a month
i finally quit the job i hate (yay!) just in time to spend all day scrolling through "i wish the trump assassin hadn't missed" posts on tumblr. i moved back in with my mom and she is graciously housing me in my unemployment while i work on story art portfolio/pitchable storyboards for her scripts/my own comic/getting back in touch with my faith so i can stop feeling so worthless and bad all of the time. mostly hard but good things. my dad also is helping me get my license. which has not been hard but its also good
i'm thinking also that there's no real reason for me not to post comic progress/thoughts here, and i have a lot to talk about on that end, so this blog will probably become a receptacle for that as i get ready to start never everett up again. i like what i'm writing now and being around my mom helps a lot with my creative anxieties, so i feel like now is a time where i can not only "just start putting things out" but honestly feel happy with what i've made. it's fun again. here's a teaser for future blog posts where i start talking about stuff and sharing sketches

also: i got/am getting/am about to get a cat! there are lots of strays up here, and this super friendly one i'm calling eukie (short for eucalyptus) has been at the shelter on antibiotics until she's well enough for us to adopt her. in the brief time i spent with her before the shelter picked her up she was extremely friendly and cuddly; she tried crawling in my lap after knowing me a whole sixty seconds. so everyone say get well soon eukie

i also am working with my friend renee to do the album art for her upcoming single. i'll post about that when it's out, but in the meantime do yourself a favor and listen to her music here. now!!!
i also have picked up crocheting since my last post and have been making things like an insane person. when my supply of hats starts overflowing out of my room maybe i'll open an online shop
so yes. between all that and some more personal bummer stuff i won't share here i am exhausted, but busy and good. i can't wait to go get my cat
i hurt my leg somehow this weekend bad enough to call out of work, so i get to update the site and write some never everett today. yippee!
i think when i switched the url i broke my rss feed from livejournal, but i was looking to reformat this page anyway since the long scroll was getting to be a lot. i moved my last livejournal post here, but except for the photos i don't see a lot of point in moving earlier entries over. so photodump probably soon...???
some irl updates: i am still at the job i got in august of last year and i am still trying not to hate it. i'd like to be able to accept that i am just not good at customer service and get a job fixing printers or something, but i haven't found much along my bus route. i have been saving up for a used car but before that happens i need to make time to practice for my drivers test, and then make time to take my drivers test, and then gather up every document i've ever been issued to get the realid license so they'll let me on planes and stuff. i've been entertaining the thought of going to the rmv and saying "just trust me bro i can drive" but idk if they'll go for it.
i did get a very very part-time job teaching guitar, however, and that's been a lot of fun. the hope is that soon i'll get enough students to cut back on my hours at my day job or maybe quit altogether??? we shall see... but between that and the piano lessons i started taking i've been having a fun time with music the past couple months.
this has been a good year for me, too, in terms of art and OCD, although my output online has gone down to a trickle. maybe because my output online has gone down to a trickle. but i've been putting myself out there more in real life with craft fairs and artist groups and i feel empowered to create things for the joy of creation rather than compelled to make something to justify my worthless existence for the first time in a long time. hooray for that! i've been working to get out from under that so i can write about bede and val trying to justify their worthless existences to show you guys.
hopefully never everett chapter one soon. every time i say i think i've made a revelation that will finally enable me to start it in earnest i end up taking another year and having new revelations and starting over, so i'm not going to say anything other than i'm in a healthier place with it than i have been, and whenever it is ready, i'm excited to show it to you guys. shoni has gotten a lot more fleshing out. i have made bede meaner also. val has no patch notes because a lot of getting healthier with it has been thinking about him less.
thank you guys for bearing with me. thumbs up emoji copypasted from emojipedia.
hellooo it's been a minute since i've updated the site. i don't have much to update it with at the mome, but i start to feel all itchy and like my eye sockets are caving in and withering into ash when i spend too long away from it so i figured i's let you guys in on what's happening in the irl sphere
2 big things (for me): i got my learner's permit and a job! i've probably said as much before but the all-day-to-myself model for making my art didn't really work for me, and also i like having money to buy my little trinkets. i've only been there three weeks but it's had a crazy effect on my drive to do comicking on my days off. i spent like five hours on a page this tuesday. i'm still making progress on NE in the way that you would probably make progress wading through a marshland full of melting laffy taffy, but i also have some other comics stuff i'm gonna try and make room for on the site so i don't get all tunnel visiony on NE again.
in the general vein of self betterment and not spending every spare second on my phone i have also been reading a lot more this year, which was good and fun. i'm on book 2 of mark z. danielewski's The Familiar (also read house of leaves by him this year) (really good) and 1Q84 by haruki murakami, which has been on my to-read list for a few years. i decided to stop being intimidated by 800+ page counts which has been awesome because all of these books are really good. i dunno why i felt intimidated by the page count in the first place come to think of it, what with the whole "having read homestuck" thing going for me, but anyway.
i thought i should add too since it's not super prominent anywhere on the site, if you want to follow my Doings i've recently mostly been active on cohost. i'm trying to be more active on spacehey as well but i think it's destined to be a sporadic and distant kind of symbiosis. if you add me on there though i'll read all your blog posts and bulletins.